Chainsaw ManĀ is an anime horror show that began last year and already is one of the most popular in all of anime. And an upcoming convention in St. Petersburg, Florida is featuring Denji, Pochita, and Future Devil! You can meet voice actors Ryan Colt Levy, Lindsay Seidel, and Landon McDonald at Sunshine City Scare on May 13-14 at the historic Coliseum in St. Petersburg.
Sunshine City Scare is a new breed of horror convention that spotlights anime horror, and features voice actors who portray characters in shows like Tokyo Ghoul, Attack on Titan, and Demon Slayer.
Tickets are $25 for single day, and $40 for weekend pass (prices increase $5 at door)
In preparation for the Chainsaw Man celebration, Florida Comic Cons, which publishes Florida Cosplay Digital Magazine, posted a blog titled "Chainsaw Man 101," which gives you the basics on the show and manga. The blog is part of the news site's 'anime horror 101' series with recent posts that includes Tokyo Ghoul 101, Attack on Titan 101, Resident Evil 101, and Silent Hill 101. Florida Comic Cons and Florida Cosplay Digital Magazine are sponsors of Sunshine City Scare.