@Queenparadisecosplay's Belle cosplay from Beauty and the Beast is Beautiful!
"And For Once It Might Be Grand To Have Someone Understand I Want So Much More Than They've Got Planned."
@Queenparadisecosplay loves how Belle attempted to be different despite being ridiculed by the village.
This cosplay took over three months to create, and while @Queenparadisecosplay loves cosplaying Belle, she does not like working with large amounts of fabric. For this reason, she swears to never make another ball gown.

Cosplay Origin

"I was dressed in my Belle ballgown at Holiday Matsuri and this little girl came up to me while I was doing a photo shoot and she told me all about how she made the Belle village outfit she was wearing!"
@Queenparadisecosplay grew up going to theme parks and loved seeing the characters! These experiences inspired her to make some of her own costumes.
She quickly learned that her love of theater and her newly-acquired skills of making costumes allowed her to become her favorite characters!
@Queenparadisecosplay competes in the master level at cosplay contests, and has earned numerous awards.
Johann is a cynical bard who works for the Bureau of Balance feeding the Voidfish with his music. Every time he feeds the Voidfish his music is forgotten by those who have heard it.
"Magnus. Don’t let them erase me, Magnus. Don’t let them make the world forget."
@Queenparadisecosplay worked on the Johann cosplay during the final semester of her costume design and construction degree. @Queenparadisecosplay hand-sewed the appliques and hand-beaded the top and bottom.
Tanjiro is a Demon Slayer who is looking to find a cure for his sister, Nezuko, who has been turned into a demon.
The character is full of wonderful characteristics. For instance, he is very kind and compassionate and extremely goal-oriented. Tanjiro is willing to ask for help and accept guidance from others. Plus he is very honest.
As time passes and Tanjiro witnesses the horrors of demon slaying, he grows angry and wants to seek revenge. However he learns to fight these urges.
@Queenparadisecosplay took about four months to create this cosplay. The box on Tanjiro's back was her first time making a prop this big.
Advice For New Cosplayers
"Just do it, don’t be afraid. You will mess up, but that’s how you learn and get better!"
Orlando, Florida

The Basics
@Queenparadisecosplay is 25 and has been cosplaying for 6 years!
Tampa Bay Comic Con holds a special place in her heart because it was her first convention. Her dad took her as a graduation present. @Queenparadisecosplay also loves Metrocon and Polycon, two conventions she's watched grow over time.