@Kradesor_cosplay's Raven cosplay from Teen Titans is out of this world!
Raven from Teen Titans is a half-demon from Azarath. She is a member of the Teens Titans superhero group and has telekinetic powers. Her powers and emotions are regulated through meditation.
@Kradesor_cosplay made the armor using foam and foam clay. She then spray painted and hand panted it with acrylics.
For the belt, she used a mix of plastic gems, chain, and foam. The cloak, as well as the bodysuit, were made from scratch using a McCalls pattern.
Each glove was handmade with black velvet fabric. Additionally, she designed and created the tabard.

"My mind is a battleground, whipped and ripped asunder, torn from the very fabric of reality."

"I love to challenge myself to do something new."
Sirfetch'd is a generation 8 fighting type Pokémon. It is the evolved form of Farfetch'd. The leek it carries acts as both a weapon and food.
"I love the character itself and I couldn't resist doing this Pokémon. Plus, the shield and lance looked challenging."
The lance was made using a shipping tube with foam sheets. It was then painted and @Kradesor_cosplay attached a ball to the bottom. The shield was created using heat-shaped foam and spray paint.
Banjo and Kazooie
Banjo is a bear and Kazooie is a bird. They are the playable characters in the Banjo-Kazooie video games. Banjo and Kazooie have opposing personalities. While Banjo is typically respectful and kind-hearted, Kazooie is loud and sassy.
"Banjo was made from scratch. I created the pattern by sculpting everything onto upholstery foam and covering it with plastic wrap. I used plush fabric for his whole body and filled it with plastic bags. The eyes were made using googly eyes. The backpack was made with cardboard covered in fabric. Kazooie's feathers were made using wire covered in felt and placed one by one on the felt wings."
Photo: @MarkParianiCosplay
Top 3 Favorite Cosplays
Raven from Teen Titans
Sirfetch'd from Pokémon
Banjo and Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie
From Tallahassee, Florida

The Basic Info
@Kradesor_cosplay has been cosplaying for six years and is 28 years old. She went to her first convention in 2016 and cosplayed a Sim.
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