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@WhimsyAly has created an instructional tutorial on how to distress and weather cosplays. Distressing and weathering cosplays is an easy way to help bring them to life. It helps the clothing feel as if the character's themselves have worn them! @WhimsyAly shows simple ways to add texture and grime to your cosplay-to give that lived-in look.
Technique 1:

Using sandpaper is a brilliant way to create rough texture on clothing. Also using a multitude of different grit sandpapers can help to achieve a more worn-out look. Sanding along seams of garments can help create a more rugged look.
Technique 2:

Airbrushing and dry painting are just a few examples of different ways to make your pieces pop! Airbrushing items creates a diluted and more natural looking final product. Creating depth and mimicking textures are only a few examples of what painting can achieve.
Technique 3:

Creating texture
Adding fine details like roughing up the edges of the clothing where it may receive more wear-and-tear and damage can help to bring the costume to life. Additionally adding tattering around the garments can help for more battle-heavy characters.
Tutorial by: @WhimsyAly

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You can find more insightful tips from @WhimsyAly on her YouTube channel and website .